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La Margenat Experience pot començar de dues formes, però només pot acabar d’una manera: CLIENT FELIÇ AMB GANES DE REPETIR!

  1. Quan poses un peu a una de les nostres botigues
  2. Quan decideixes fer una comanda online

Sigui quina sigui la teva manera de començar l’experiència, trobaràs assessorament de qualitat en la teva comanda. Sense enganys, recomanant realment el que creiem et pot anar millor i agradar més. Si demanes alguna cosa que no està en òptimes condicions pel seu moment de consum, també t’ho direm. No volem que gastis, volem que tornis i que ja mai més entenguis la vida sense nosaltres a la teva taula.

Un cop tens els productes a casa, l’experiència segueix degustant-los. Et garantim que no et deixaran indiferent. Estimem realment el que fem i tenim la certesa que els nostres productes artesans són d’una molt alta qualitat, no només pel seu sabor sinó també per la naturalitat dels ingredients amb els que elaborem. La qualitat ens distingeix.

Anomenem membres de la Margenat family a totes aquelles persones que ens venen a comprar, que ens segueixen a les reds socials o que ens tenen estima per algun motiu o altre.

Sí. La gran majoria dels nostres productes són elaborats al nostre propi obrador. Treballem amb ingredients naturals i utilitzant els mínims o nuls conservants, depenent del producte. Som artesans* i realitzem les nostres elaboracions de forma diària.

*L’ARTESANIA és la capacitat de produir objectes amb les mans. Els ARTESANS també fan produccions seriades però es diferencien de les industrials perquè les peces artesanals s’elaboren amb les mans, d’una en una, i això fa que l’objecte sigui únic. Tot un art que malauradament cada vegada costa més de trobar.

Productes ultra processats, sucres afegits, farines i un llarg etcètera que abarateixen el producte a la vegada que empitjoren la nostra salut.

El nostre cos, igual que els productes artesans, també és únic i una màquina increïble que hem de cuidar com el nostre tresor més apreciat.

SOM EL QUE MENGEM. Triem aliments naturals, elaborats amb el cor i matèria prima de qualitat.

Les nostres elaboracions varien cada setmana. Som artesans i el fet de fer-ho pràcticament tot nosaltres mateixos no ens permet fer totes les varietats que tenim disponibles setmanalment. I, per tant, tenir una web actualitzada seria quasi “misión imposible”.

Podeu consultar el nostre catàleg setmanal per veure les elaboracions de la setmana en curs  i fer la comanda a través de Whats App. A més, si ho desitgeu podeu rebre aquesta informació cada setmana. Qualsevol dubte us assessorarem i oferirem alternatives.

No patiu. Un cop preparem la vostra comanda, us passarem el tiquet per poder fer el pagament definitiu de la forma que preferiu (transferència, Verse o efectiu si esteu a Badalona). Quasi tots els nostres productes van a pes i, per tant, fer una compra online sense preparar la comanda prèviament és impossible ja que no en sabem l’import exacte i no es pot procedir al pagament. No ens agrada l’opció de incrementar el preu dels productes per tal de cobrir les possibles diferències en el pes que poguessin sorgir.

Preferim que ens passeu la comanda per qualsevol de les línies que tenim disponibles i així us podem assessorar correctament oferint opcions i alternatives segons els productes i elaboracions del moment.

Pots realitzar la comanda de la forma que et sigui més còmode:

  • Telefònicament:
    • Botiga Santiago Rusiñol: 93.389.48.20
    • Botiga Marti Pujol: 93.389.27.85
  • WhatsApp: 619.806.068
  • Instagram: @margenat_gourmet
  • A través d’aquesta mateixa web – apartat COMANDES

Detalla’ns de quina manera vols rebre els teus productes i ho prepararem com prefereixis (envasat al buit, en safata, en paper, separat de forma individual…Tu manes!).

En aquesta web trobaràs gran part dels nostres productes. De totes maneres pots contactar-nos a través de WhatsApp al 619.806.068 i demanar el nostre catàleg de productes complert. Addicionalment també ens pots demanar que t’afegim a la nostra llista de distribució setmanal per rebre les elaboracions més destacades de la setmana i ser el primer en assabentar-te de les novetats.

Sí! Tenim dues modalitats de packs regal per ocasions especials o simplement perquè sí.

  1. Pack Gourmet: capsa regal repleta de productes de primera qualitat. El contingut es pot adaptar totalment al pressupost del client. Incorporem missatges personalitzats amb targetes xules dissenyades per nosaltres!
    1. Exemples de pack gourmet: Pack MAMI, Pack dia del Pare, Packs per empreses…
  2. Targeta Regal: val per comprar els productes Margenat que es desitgin, l’import s’adapta a tots els pressuposts.

Enviaments a domicili

Realitzem enviaments a tot l’estat espanyol en 24h-36h, sempre segons disponibilitat dels productes escollits. Els productes arriben correctament envasats i mantenint la cadena de fred.

Dues opcions d’enviament:

  • Badalona

Si vius a Badalona, la comanda te la portem directament nosaltres. Posa’t en contacte i junts establirem el moment d’entrega.

No tenim comanda mínima. Els encàrrecs que no superin els 50€ tindran un suplement de 3.90€ en concepte de despeses d’enviament.

El pagament pot ser en efectiu, transferència o a través de VERSE.


  • Resta del territori

Si no vius a Badalona, no pateixis, arribem a tot el territori espanyol. Preparem la teva comanda en caixes especials  que mantenen la temperatura i hi afegim un acumulador de gel per assegurar la cadena de fred.

No tenim comanda mínima. El cost d’enviament són 3.90€ dins comunitat de Catalunya i 4.50€ a per la resta de territori.

El pagament es realitza mitjançant transferència bancària o a través de VERSE.

Degut a la naturalesa del producte no s’accepten devolucions. Qualsevol dubte o problema poseu-vos en contacte amb nosaltres i segur que junts trobem una solució.

Shipping Information

Shop More. Save More.

Orders $100 and up are automatically discounted. The more you shop, the more you save.

Discount Order Value
5% $100-$174.99
10% $175-$249.99
15% $250+

Shipping Times

Your order will ship via USPS, UPS or UPS Surepost, depending on what shipping option you select at checkout. Same day shipping for orders placed until 12 PM PST. Details of the various shipping options are outlined below:

We ship only within the continental United States. We do not currently ship to PO boxes, APO, or FPO addresses or internationally. All flat rate shipping orders over $49 will ship for free.

  • Flat Rate Shipping - on orders over $49
  • 2nd Day Air - UPS
  • Next Day Air - UPS
  • Prices may vary due to weight.

See below for approximate delivery times based on what zone you’re shipping to. Products from the same order are often shipped from different warehouses. This does not affect your shipping cost, but may require the order to be delivered in multiple packages and the shipping time may vary.

Tracking of orders

Once your order has been placed, you’ll first receive an order confirmation email. A shipment notification email with tracking information will follow. You can also check the status of your order by logging into your account.

If your order shipped via UPS, you can also enroll in UPS My Choice by going to This free service will proactively send you delivery alerts updating you on the day and time of your delivery. Plus, you can reroute your orders to another location, leave instructions for the driver or schedule a redelivery, giving you additional control over your deliveries.

If your order shipped via USPS, you can also enroll in USPS Informed Delivery by going to This free service will proactively send you delivery alerts updating you on the day and time of your delivery. Plus, you can reroute your orders to another location, leave instructions for the driver or schedule a redelivery, giving you additional control over your deliveries.

Trying to find your delivered package? Sorry! This happens sometimes. Please check your front porch, side door, back porch, garage area, bushes, and mailbox to make sure it's not hiding or jammed. Also ask your neighbors if they may have received it for you. If your package still hasn't turned up please contact us.

Return Policy

Returns Policy

Need to return an item? We pride ourselves on providing our customers with the best customer service and support we can. We have all been there so, for any reason, you may return your order to Clothing Shop Online within 30 days of the purchase date subject to the Return Policy below:

  • Should you wish to return goods fill out the form below.
  • Should you wish to cancel or exchange an order, simply fill out the form below for the goods you do not want to keep and place a new order for the goods you require.
  • Please include a copy of the invoice with your return to insure proper credit in a timely manner.
  • All returns must be authorized by Clothing Shop online in advance (our warehouse can’t accept returns without a valid return number).
  • Clothing Shop Online can’t accept returns of printed, washed or decorated merchandise. You are responsible for inspecting the garments before performing any alterations or embellishments.
  • If you have a problem or discrepancy (including shortages, damages, etc) with an order please fill out the form below within 72 hours of receiving goods.
  • If returning defective merchandise please use a piece of tape to indicate the location of the flaw.
  • All returned or refused shipments are subject to outbound freight charges and return freight charges.
Terms and conditions

Clothing Shop Online Terms and Conditions of Use


Welcome to (the “Site”), a web site operated on behalf of Clothing Shop Online LLC (“CSO”).

The Terms and Conditions of Use include any posted guidelines or rules applicable to particular Content or Services (as defined below) and, as updated by CSO from time to time, are collectively referred to as the “Terms and Conditions” and govern the use of the Site. You should carefully read the Terms and Conditions before using the Site. You can review the most current version of the Terms and Conditions at any time at By using the Site, you: (i) acknowledge that you have reviewed and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions; (ii) represent and warrant that you are at least eighteen (18) years old; and (iii) represent and warrant that you have the legal authority to accept the Terms and Conditions. If you work for or represent a business, you represent and agree that you are authorized by that business to enter into this Agreement on behalf of that business. This is a legally binding agreement. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, you are not authorized to use the Site. The Site is operated from the United States of America on behalf of CSO. If you choose to access the Site online from locations outside the United States, such conduct is at your own risk and subject to the laws of the United States of America, and you are responsible for compliance with any local laws. You may not use or export anything (including information) from the Site in violation of U.S. export laws, regulations or these Terms and Conditions.


Access to certain portions of this Site may require login and password information provided only to users who have registered (the “Registered Users”). The login and password are provided for the use of the Registered User only and are not transferable. If you have received a login and password that belong to another person, you are not authorized to use that login account and we request that you notify CSO of the misdirected login information. Misuse of a login account, including, without limitation, unauthorized sharing of the login and password, may result, at CSO’s sole discretion, in cancellation of the Registered User’s registration and other remedies, and CSO shall have no liability to the Registered User.


The Site may provide certain content (including, without limitation, documents, photographs, advertisements, marketing materials, pricing information, text, graphics and images) and services that CSO may change or update from time to time (the “Content” and “Services”). The Content and Services offered on the Site are provided solely to enable CSO to provide information about its products. CSO shall have the right, but not the obligation, in its sole discretion to refuse, monitor or remove any Content contained within the Site. CSO expressly disclaims all responsibility or liability to any person or entity for the performance or nonperformance of such content review.

Any disclosures made through the Site should only be made after reviewing and agreeing to the Privacy Policy found at In the event that any posted Content appears to be inappropriate for display on this Site for any reason, users and Registered Users are encouraged to contact CSO in accordance with Section 5 to request removal of such Content.


Use of the Site is voluntary. You may choose not to use the Site and you may choose not to register as a Registered User. You may use or download Content for your business only as specifically permitted on the Site, or for your personal, noncommercial purposes.

The information CSO obtains from users and Registered Users will be used only in accordance with CSO’s Privacy Policy. You may inactivate your login and password at any time by contacting CSO at the addresses provided in Section 5.

If you choose to register as a Registered User, you agree that you will be responsible for maintaining your password as confidential and for any activity that occurs as a result of your enabling or permitting another person or entity to use your password. You agree to immediately notify CSO by one of the methods in Section 5 in the event that (i) your password is lost or stolen, or (ii) you become aware of any unauthorized use of your password or of any other breach of security related to the Site. CSO is not responsible for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with the provisions of this section.

Contact Us

Send us a message

Error: No s'ha trobat el formulari de contacte.

La Margenat Experience pot començar de dues formes, però només pot acabar d’una manera: CLIENT FELIÇ AMB GANES DE REPETIR!

  1. Quan poses un peu a una de les nostres botigues
  2. Quan decideixes fer una comanda online

Sigui quina sigui la teva manera de començar l’experiència, trobaràs assessorament de qualitat en la teva comanda. Sense enganys, recomanant realment el que creiem et pot anar millor i agradar més. Si demanes alguna cosa que no està en òptimes condicions pel seu moment de consum, també t’ho direm. No volem que gastis, volem que tornis i que ja mai més entenguis la vida sense nosaltres a la teva taula.

Un cop tens els productes a casa, l’experiència segueix degustant-los. Et garantim que no et deixaran indiferent. Estimem realment el que fem i tenim la certesa que els nostres productes artesans són d’una molt alta qualitat, no només pel seu sabor sinó també per la naturalitat dels ingredients amb els que elaborem. La qualitat ens distingeix.

Anomenem membres de la Margenat family a totes aquelles persones que ens venen a comprar, que ens segueixen a les reds socials o que ens tenen estima per algun motiu o altre.

Sí. La gran majoria dels nostres productes són elaborats al nostre propi obrador. Treballem amb ingredients naturals i utilitzant els mínims o nuls conservants, depenent del producte. Som artesans* i realitzem les nostres elaboracions de forma diària.

*L’ARTESANIA és la capacitat de produir objectes amb les mans. Els ARTESANS també fan produccions seriades però es diferencien de les industrials perquè les peces artesanals s’elaboren amb les mans, d’una en una, i això fa que l’objecte sigui únic. Tot un art que malauradament cada vegada costa més de trobar.

Productes ultra processats, sucres afegits, farines i un llarg etcètera que abarateixen el producte a la vegada que empitjoren la nostra salut.

El nostre cos, igual que els productes artesans, també és únic i una màquina increïble que hem de cuidar com el nostre tresor més apreciat.

SOM EL QUE MENGEM. Triem aliments naturals, elaborats amb el cor i matèria prima de qualitat.

Les nostres elaboracions varien cada setmana. Som artesans i el fet de fer-ho pràcticament tot nosaltres mateixos no ens permet fer totes les varietats que tenim disponibles setmanalment. I, per tant, tenir una web actualitzada seria quasi “misión imposible”.

Podeu consultar el nostre catàleg setmanal per veure les elaboracions de la setmana en curs  i fer la comanda a través de Whats App. A més, si ho desitgeu podeu rebre aquesta informació cada setmana. Qualsevol dubte us assessorarem i oferirem alternatives.

No patiu. Un cop preparem la vostra comanda, us passarem el tiquet per poder fer el pagament definitiu de la forma que preferiu (transferència, Verse o efectiu si esteu a Badalona). Quasi tots els nostres productes van a pes i, per tant, fer una compra online sense preparar la comanda prèviament és impossible ja que no en sabem l’import exacte i no es pot procedir al pagament. No ens agrada l’opció de incrementar el preu dels productes per tal de cobrir les possibles diferències en el pes que poguessin sorgir.

Preferim que ens passeu la comanda per qualsevol de les línies que tenim disponibles i així us podem assessorar correctament oferint opcions i alternatives segons els productes i elaboracions del moment.

Pots realitzar la comanda de la forma que et sigui més còmode:

  • Telefònicament:
    • Botiga Santiago Rusiñol: 93.389.48.20
    • Botiga Marti Pujol: 93.389.27.85
  • WhatsApp: 619.806.068
  • Instagram: @margenat_gourmet
  • A través d’aquesta mateixa web – apartat COMANDES

Detalla’ns de quina manera vols rebre els teus productes i ho prepararem com prefereixis (envasat al buit, en safata, en paper, separat de forma individual…Tu manes!).

En aquesta web trobaràs gran part dels nostres productes. De totes maneres pots contactar-nos a través de WhatsApp al 619.806.068 i demanar el nostre catàleg de productes complert. Addicionalment també ens pots demanar que t’afegim a la nostra llista de distribució setmanal per rebre les elaboracions més destacades de la setmana i ser el primer en assabentar-te de les novetats.

Sí! Tenim dues modalitats de packs regal per ocasions especials o simplement perquè sí.

  1. Pack Gourmet: capsa regal repleta de productes de primera qualitat. El contingut es pot adaptar totalment al pressupost del client. Incorporem missatges personalitzats amb targetes xules dissenyades per nosaltres!
    1. Exemples de pack gourmet: Pack MAMI, Pack dia del Pare, Packs per empreses…
  2. Targeta Regal: val per comprar els productes Margenat que es desitgin, l’import s’adapta a tots els pressuposts.

Enviaments a domicili

Realitzem enviaments a tot l’estat espanyol en 24h-36h, sempre segons disponibilitat dels productes escollits. Els productes arriben correctament envasats i mantenint la cadena de fred.

Dues opcions d’enviament:

  • Badalona

Si vius a Badalona, la comanda te la portem directament nosaltres. Posa’t en contacte i junts establirem el moment d’entrega.

No tenim comanda mínima. Els encàrrecs que no superin els 50€ tindran un suplement de 3.90€ en concepte de despeses d’enviament.

El pagament pot ser en efectiu, transferència o a través de VERSE.


  • Resta del territori

Si no vius a Badalona, no pateixis, arribem a tot el territori espanyol. Preparem la teva comanda en caixes especials  que mantenen la temperatura i hi afegim un acumulador de gel per assegurar la cadena de fred.

No tenim comanda mínima. El cost d’enviament són 3.90€ dins comunitat de Catalunya i 4.50€ a per la resta de territori.

El pagament es realitza mitjançant transferència bancària o a través de VERSE.

Degut a la naturalesa del producte no s’accepten devolucions. Qualsevol dubte o problema poseu-vos en contacte amb nosaltres i segur que junts trobem una solució.

Shop More. Save More.

Orders $100 and up are automatically discounted. The more you shop, the more you save.

Discount Order Value
5% $100-$174.99
10% $175-$249.99
15% $250+

Shipping Times

Your order will ship via USPS, UPS or UPS Surepost, depending on what shipping option you select at checkout. Same day shipping for orders placed until 12 PM PST. Details of the various shipping options are outlined below:

We ship only within the continental United States. We do not currently ship to PO boxes, APO, or FPO addresses or internationally. All flat rate shipping orders over $49 will ship for free.

  • Flat Rate Shipping - on orders over $49
  • 2nd Day Air - UPS
  • Next Day Air - UPS
  • Prices may vary due to weight.

See below for approximate delivery times based on what zone you’re shipping to. Products from the same order are often shipped from different warehouses. This does not affect your shipping cost, but may require the order to be delivered in multiple packages and the shipping time may vary.

Tracking of orders

Once your order has been placed, you’ll first receive an order confirmation email. A shipment notification email with tracking information will follow. You can also check the status of your order by logging into your account.

If your order shipped via UPS, you can also enroll in UPS My Choice by going to This free service will proactively send you delivery alerts updating you on the day and time of your delivery. Plus, you can reroute your orders to another location, leave instructions for the driver or schedule a redelivery, giving you additional control over your deliveries.

If your order shipped via USPS, you can also enroll in USPS Informed Delivery by going to This free service will proactively send you delivery alerts updating you on the day and time of your delivery. Plus, you can reroute your orders to another location, leave instructions for the driver or schedule a redelivery, giving you additional control over your deliveries.

Trying to find your delivered package? Sorry! This happens sometimes. Please check your front porch, side door, back porch, garage area, bushes, and mailbox to make sure it's not hiding or jammed. Also ask your neighbors if they may have received it for you. If your package still hasn't turned up please contact us.

Returns Policy

Need to return an item? We pride ourselves on providing our customers with the best customer service and support we can. We have all been there so, for any reason, you may return your order to Clothing Shop Online within 30 days of the purchase date subject to the Return Policy below:

  • Should you wish to return goods fill out the form below.
  • Should you wish to cancel or exchange an order, simply fill out the form below for the goods you do not want to keep and place a new order for the goods you require.
  • Please include a copy of the invoice with your return to insure proper credit in a timely manner.
  • All returns must be authorized by Clothing Shop online in advance (our warehouse can’t accept returns without a valid return number).
  • Clothing Shop Online can’t accept returns of printed, washed or decorated merchandise. You are responsible for inspecting the garments before performing any alterations or embellishments.
  • If you have a problem or discrepancy (including shortages, damages, etc) with an order please fill out the form below within 72 hours of receiving goods.
  • If returning defective merchandise please use a piece of tape to indicate the location of the flaw.
  • All returned or refused shipments are subject to outbound freight charges and return freight charges.

Clothing Shop Online Terms and Conditions of Use


Welcome to (the “Site”), a web site operated on behalf of Clothing Shop Online LLC (“CSO”).

The Terms and Conditions of Use include any posted guidelines or rules applicable to particular Content or Services (as defined below) and, as updated by CSO from time to time, are collectively referred to as the “Terms and Conditions” and govern the use of the Site. You should carefully read the Terms and Conditions before using the Site. You can review the most current version of the Terms and Conditions at any time at By using the Site, you: (i) acknowledge that you have reviewed and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions; (ii) represent and warrant that you are at least eighteen (18) years old; and (iii) represent and warrant that you have the legal authority to accept the Terms and Conditions. If you work for or represent a business, you represent and agree that you are authorized by that business to enter into this Agreement on behalf of that business. This is a legally binding agreement. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, you are not authorized to use the Site. The Site is operated from the United States of America on behalf of CSO. If you choose to access the Site online from locations outside the United States, such conduct is at your own risk and subject to the laws of the United States of America, and you are responsible for compliance with any local laws. You may not use or export anything (including information) from the Site in violation of U.S. export laws, regulations or these Terms and Conditions.


Access to certain portions of this Site may require login and password information provided only to users who have registered (the “Registered Users”). The login and password are provided for the use of the Registered User only and are not transferable. If you have received a login and password that belong to another person, you are not authorized to use that login account and we request that you notify CSO of the misdirected login information. Misuse of a login account, including, without limitation, unauthorized sharing of the login and password, may result, at CSO’s sole discretion, in cancellation of the Registered User’s registration and other remedies, and CSO shall have no liability to the Registered User.


The Site may provide certain content (including, without limitation, documents, photographs, advertisements, marketing materials, pricing information, text, graphics and images) and services that CSO may change or update from time to time (the “Content” and “Services”). The Content and Services offered on the Site are provided solely to enable CSO to provide information about its products. CSO shall have the right, but not the obligation, in its sole discretion to refuse, monitor or remove any Content contained within the Site. CSO expressly disclaims all responsibility or liability to any person or entity for the performance or nonperformance of such content review.

Any disclosures made through the Site should only be made after reviewing and agreeing to the Privacy Policy found at In the event that any posted Content appears to be inappropriate for display on this Site for any reason, users and Registered Users are encouraged to contact CSO in accordance with Section 5 to request removal of such Content.


Use of the Site is voluntary. You may choose not to use the Site and you may choose not to register as a Registered User. You may use or download Content for your business only as specifically permitted on the Site, or for your personal, noncommercial purposes.

The information CSO obtains from users and Registered Users will be used only in accordance with CSO’s Privacy Policy. You may inactivate your login and password at any time by contacting CSO at the addresses provided in Section 5.

If you choose to register as a Registered User, you agree that you will be responsible for maintaining your password as confidential and for any activity that occurs as a result of your enabling or permitting another person or entity to use your password. You agree to immediately notify CSO by one of the methods in Section 5 in the event that (i) your password is lost or stolen, or (ii) you become aware of any unauthorized use of your password or of any other breach of security related to the Site. CSO is not responsible for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with the provisions of this section.

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  • Alex (New York) purchase

    15 minutes ago

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    50 minutes ago

  • Anna (Japan) purchase

    55 minutes ago

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Vols fer la teva comanda? 🛒